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Meet Our Lucky 2024 Scholarship Recipient!

The Dio and our non-profit board of directors, The Muses of Dionysus, wish to congratulate the 2024 recipient of the Mary Jo Del Vero Memorial Scholarship, Sienna Dietze! We thank our fantastic Dio Donors for making this scholarship possible through their charitable giving.






Sienna is a recent graduate from Hartland High School and will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall to pursue a Bachelors in Fine Arts in Theatre Directing. In high school, she student-directed and acted in numerous shows with the Hartland Drama Club, and was heavily involved with her school's choir program. Sienna cannot wait to continue her education with the performing arts in the fall and eventually dive into the professional field!



The Mary Jo Del Vero Memorial Scholarship is lovingly named for educator and Arts advocate, Mary Jo Del Vero, who left us unexpectedly and far too soon in 2020. She was a talented performer, appearing in productions across Livingston County, including at The Dio where she sang in many fundraising concerts that made our work possible, and where she originated the role of Betty Sue Franklin in our original Christmas musical, Home for the Holidays. MJ was a dear friend to Dio co-founders, Steve DeBruyne and Matt Tomich, as well as to the President of The Muses of Dionysus, Taylor Epp. She is greatly missed.

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